Now a lot of people hate it, but I think the PropertyGrid is cool - excellent for quick generation of edit UI. We have shown it to customers as part of prototype build, and they have asked for its inclusion! I was using the PropertyGrid to define a really simple editor for some data types and was working really well until I made the DateTime properties Nullable.
public virtual DateTime? EndDate
get { return m_endDate; }
set { m_endDate = value; }
The PropertyGrid was not displaying the editor, bit of a bummer! Although not a massive deal, I thought I was going to need to create a UITypeEditor that would cope with Nullable dates. Fortunately if you are explicit, the built in editor supports a Nullable DateTime.
[EditorAttribute(typeof(DateTimeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public virtual DateTime? EndDate
get { return m_endDate; }
set { m_endDate = value; }
Adding the EditorAttribute specifying the DateTimeEditor to the property forces the use of the built in editor for the Nullable type.